Order Book

Modified on 2011/12/14 13:32 by Rob Erickson (Plus500) — Categorized as: Uncategorized

Up ArrowSelect the order above the currently selected order.

Down ArrowSelect the order below the currently selected order.

HomeSelect the top order.

EndSelect the bottom order.

F7Open a revision ticket for that order (only if it is working). If the order is not a simple limit order then the regular order ticket window will be displayed.

F8Pull the selected orders, or if an order is currently displayed in the revision ticket it will pull that order.

F11Select the next working order.

Tab or *Move the focus between the fields of the order ticket.

Up/Down or +/-
Increase or decrease the volume, price and account fields by the smallest increment
You can also type values into the volume, price and account fields.

Page Up/Page Down
Increase or decrease the volume, price and account fields by the largest increment.
You can also type values into the volume, price and account fields.

Escape or /Cancel the order ticket.

EnterRevise the order. Only regular limit orders can be revised this way.

TKTOpen a regular order revision ticket for the selected order.

F4Make the Order Book window active. If you have more than one Order Book window then pressing F4 repeatedly will cycle through them all.